Who are we?
Mandatory LLP AudibleCE is the future of self-taught education. An educational platform with an audible component, it is designed to serve and enhance the mandatory Continuing Education needs of a diverse array of institutions and enterprises, giving them a competitive edge.
AudibleCE complements existing courseware text with spoken versions recorded by professional instructors. One thing this does is add mobility to the educational experience. Our app is compatible with legacy desktop/laptop systems, as well as with most handheld devices (IOS,Android), offering students the capability of learning while walking, jogging, or driving. It can even be used to provide content to visually impaired students.
The design of this learning platform is straightforward. Through research, we've developed specific architectural concepts into working models of online learning using spoken media to facilitate a smooth and ergonomic learning experience. Accountability and Hyperlinks are two unique codings to our platform. These models can be directly structured into any existing continuing education framework or operate independently. Content can be individually selected or packaged for specific courses and modified to fit any custom delivery system.
Mandatory LLP looks forward to working with providers of mandatory continuing education who wish to improve and extend their existing teaching environments.
Feel free to
contact us with any questions.
AudibleCE is Continuing Education
A dramatically audible study tool
for any Continuing Education Program.
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Recent News
November 21, 2017
Education can be interpreted to be present in a classroom setting or sitting on a beach watching a wave come to shore. As long as we are expanding our mind - we are educating. Taking the digital text to spoken is a path on this ever moving dialog. It's time you kicked your education into mobile accessible. It's just a matter of convenience!
October 26, 2017
Helping to create a more informed educational system...Mobility is all around us.....Let's take it to the educational arena......even hyperlinks can be challenging. Talk to us, we might have a solution.